Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola
b. May 19, 1898 – d. June 11, 1974
May 19, 2009 marks the 111th anniversary of Julius Evola's birth.
Some quotes to remember him on his birthday:
action does not mean blind action. The rule is to care nothing for the
consequences to the shifting, individualistic feelings, but not in
ignorance of the objective conditions that action must take into account
in order to be as perfect as possible, and so as not to be doomed to
failure from the start. One may not succeed: that is secondary, but it
should not be owing to defective knowledge of everything concerning the
conditions of efficacy, which generally comprise causality, the
relations of cause to effect, and the law of concordant actions and
— Julius Evola, Ride the Tiger
p. 71 Chapter XI, Acting Without Desire, The Casual Law
are still men who do not belong to this modern world, and whom nothing
in this world could lead astray, exalt or humiliate—men who despite all
are ready to fight this world with all their strength, as soon the hour
to do so strikes."
— Julius Evola, Heathen Imperialism
p.146 Chapter V, Our European Symbol
the vision of the Iron Age, Hesiod exclaimed: 'May I have not been born
in it!' But Hesiod, after all, was a Pelasagic spirit, unaware of a
higher vocation. For other natures there is a different truth; to them
applies the teaching that was also known in the East: although the Kali
Yuga is an age of great destructions, those who live during it and
manage to remain standing may achieve fruits that were not easily
achieved by men living in other ages."
— Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World
p. 366 Chapter 38, Conclusion